An Overview of the Project
In 1944, one of the fathers of quantum physics, Erwin Schrodinger,
published “What is Life” - a small book with profound meaning and
purpose within Biology (though few biologists today have heard of it).
Schrodinger concluded that life was essentially a phenomenon of
information processing. In this he predicted that something like DNA
had the properties needed to store and transmit the information
required to build working cells (this was confirmed empirically in
1953, though the Avery–MacLeod–McCarty experiment had strongly
suggested it in 1943). Schrodinger preceded the insights of Claud
Shannon, who gave us a quantitative understanding of information
processing. In their way, Schrodinger, Shannon and more recently, those
who have developed cybernetics, complexity theory and expanded the
theories of information and networks have all contributed to the
development of a new synthesis of biological understanding that is
based on Schrodinger’s original idea. Life is made from chemicals and
living processes are chemical reactions, but what makes them life, as
opposed to any other complicated chemical system, is the particular
organisation that they embody and this organisation is information. It
is not conventional to refer to this information-perspective on life as
a ‘new-synthesis’, that term being reserved for the theoretical
marriage of genetics with Darwinian evolution. But since that
‘new synthesis’ dates back more than 50 years, we might better call it
the ‘evolutionary synthesis’ and refer to the Schrodinger-inspired
theory as the ‘information-synthesis’. Whatever the labels, it is our
purpose to develop and promote this idea to the point where it is an
aid to understanding all of biology in a more fundamental and
integrated way than ever before.
Our aim is to seek answers to deep
questions such as 'what is life', 'how does it develop such complexity'
and 'can life exist in forms that we do not presently recognise'. We
hope to treat these questions at the deepest possible level and this
demands a rigorous philosophical treatment and a return to fundamental
physics and information theory, as well as making use of the latest
biological research. Though we work in many different fields of study,
we are united by a belief that understanding these phenomena in terms
of information and its processing is likely to build deep insight. This
enquiry breaks down into the following series of questions:
- what is the role of information in causing anything to exist?
- what is 'meaning' (in the sense of being an attribute of
- what precisely and completely is life?
- how does life use information to become what it is?
- how does life organise into its observed complexity and what does
this imply?
- and what is the relationship of life to the external physical
The network started with reaction to
published in the journal Acta Biotheoretica in 2012, but its different
strands existed years before as the developments and programmes of
individual labs. The point of this website is to encourage the building
of a synthesis of these various ideas, which all in their own way use
information concepts to explain biological phenomena. The biological
range is deliberately comprehensive, spanning from the mathematics of
DNA information storage, to the thermodynamics of global ecological
stasis. The conceptual scope is also deliberately wide, so that the
most general and fundamental explanations can be found.
geometrically accurate painting of the innards of an
E. coli
cell. Inside we see tremendous complexity among the forms of molecules,
many of which are fitted together as 'complexes' just as well as the
components of a car engine (e.g. the flagellum motor, in green) and
indeed these
are little engines. The molecular forms are tightly packed and jostle
about, finding one another, sometimes carried from one part to another
of the cell by other molecules which read and follow identifying tags
that work like postal codes. All the molecules interact with one
another in an organised way, despite the apparently chaotic mix; their
interactions form networks that carry and store information, they
change shape to indicate different states and collectively perform
computations: implementing the cellular ‘operating system’ (software)
in molecular ‘wetware’ (soggy hardware).
An introduction to the Research Themes
We have divided the overall topic into
themes to reflect the
different subject areas in which we work, but the most important
message we have is the way these all unite to form a comprehensive
framework for thinking about living processes.
The first theme:
Theory should be no surprise as this sets
out the mathematical tools used in working quantitatively with
information concepts.
The second theme is also quite obvious in the sense that
biology can usefully be interpreted as information transmission and
processing, especially in relation to DNA and RNA, the genetic code,
transcription and inheritance (indeed, recently a group has transcribed
a 45000 word book into DNA and back again
{Goldman et al 2013}).
Less obviously, information is stored in the shape of bio-molecules,
the structures they form in the cell and the interaction networks
describing their complex chemistry. These are also amenable to
description by information theory and introduce complexity theory into
the mix.
However, the mathematical treatment of information which started with
Claud Shannon is limited to statistical descriptions of information
flows and crucially does not deal with semantics or meaning. We have to
generalise these terms to encompass concepts applying to non-sentient
receivers of information and here the new
philosophy of information
becomes a major root of understanding. The third theme develops much
broader concepts of information to define
and meaningful
information in the sense of it having constructive effects in complex
At the same time and rather in parallel, we also recognise the
relationship between information statistics and thermodynamics, which
in its own right is useful in forming a deeper understanding of the
processes of life. The primary link between information statistics and
thermodynamics is the confusing and sometimes rather mysterious
property called
so our fourth theme deals with this and its
contribution to understanding why and how life changes the physical
world. Entropy is a deceptively deep concept that has been used to
explain why time goes in only one direction and how the universe as a
whole develops and will eventualy end. It is with entropy that we
understand something of what life brings into this cosmic scale of
The generalisation of information enables us to define mutual context:
the way one piece of information can influence or unite with another to
build a more comlpex system and this way eventually to generate
properties, apparently (but not really) out of nothing. This
is one of the regular features of living systems which appear as a
levels of complexity, like Russian dolls, each outer one
created by the inner. Understanding these processes is the topic of
the fifth theme -
Not only is life structured as a nested hierarchy of informational
systems, but collectively these systems form such cybernetic
self-reference that they amount to closed systems from the point of
view of control. Because of this, they are whole in a very deep sense:
one that enables them to make, maintain and reproduce themselves, in a
This gives them
and it is that which more than anything else, characterises life as
distinct from non-life.
With the preceding themes, we begin to see some general principles for
life: what it is, even when we strip away the particular biochemistry
that we are familiar with and we see how it may
interacting information. This is a core concern for astrobiology: the
study of life in a sense more general than that constrained to live on
earth. It sheds light on the present mystery of how life began on our
planet and equivalently could have developed elsewhere, so our sixth
theme is an application of the information-synthesis to the question of
origins of life.
There are two aspects to complexity, the more obvious being the
diversity of parts that make up the whole. In the second application of
our thinking, we apply ourselves to the building of a fundamental
theory of
its origins, how to quantify it and what it
really means to the functioning of life in general, especially, of
course at the ecological level of organisation.
Finally, we try to bring all this together in a self-consistent and
singular theory of life based on the information processing
interpretation. This is the work of the
synthesis theme in which we all
take part.
To explore the website, we recommend you spend time in the
section where you will find more thorough explanations and more
individual material from the various network members. Please also use
the library of resources to find further relevant reading.
At this stage, the IFB network is not funded. However
we are
using it in part to back proposals for funded workshops and meetings
(e.g. our particpation in the German sDIV Network on Biodiversity),
with applications in preparation for the U.K. Royal Society and the
Human Frontiers Science Programme. If you are working in a related or
complementary field and would like to join in, please write to as - you
will find the address on the
contact page.