News (in brief)
From now on please access this
website using
That is because this website has now gained its SSL certificate, meaning it
communicates securely with your browser and improves accessibility to
modern browsers, some of which demand SSL. This came at quite some
cost, but seems worth it in the long run. More interestingly, new
content is underway and a lot of pages are about to be updated and
improved. I have been very short of time for this over the past year,
but things are about to change on that, so please do look forward to
substantial developments here over the next few months.
I have been using the blog to address the topical and important issue
of AI from the perspective of biological information theory. I had
hoped for this to be a discussion via the comments facility, but
unfortunately that turned out to be such a spam magnet, that it was not
viable (I had to switch comments off after seeing hundreds of spams per
day). Such is the internet now. We have also seen quite a lot of
attempts to misuse the website; I think all have been thwarted, but
there is a constant pressure from criminals trying to take over in
order to push their illegal activities.
More interesting - new science.
It seems that not many colleagues have even noticed the development of
a new understanding of how physical information constrains physical
forces to produce all causes in the universe. Very few seem to have
taken up the idea that with this knowledge, it is possible to explain
downward and cyclic causation. For these reasons, I am writing
another paper (aimed for Royal Scoiety Interface) which restates the
new principles and applies them in the topical field of information
decomposition (a hot topic in computational neurosciences at the
moment) as well as explaining homeostasis and the emergence of
community ecology. Let's see if that has the desired effect.
three kinds of cause: physical cause C_p is the constraint of physical
force F by physical information I_p, whcih in turn is the arrangement
of matter or potential of an energy field in spacetime. Cybernetic
systems consist solely of formal information I_f, which is effectively
an abstraction of I_p. In cybernetic systems (such as algorithms and
the information processing of a brain), different I_f are processed,
giving the appearance of cybernetic causes C_f (f since they are
entirely determined by formal information). When the cybernetic systems
are physically enabled to control physical systems (e.g. with actuators
such as motors), they have physical agency: the actuators are systems
where physical forces are constrained by the I_f. When we observe all
this happening, we might infer statistical relations among items of I_f
(e.g. signals or states of neurons). These inferences are statistical
information I_s and their apparently causal relations are inferred
statistical relations C_s. From these we derive information metrics
such as mutual information that can be decomposed, e.g. into parts that
include synergistic information.
Well, the code biology paper has been published, after the
reviewers (who liked it a lot) suggested I added some more examples.
Doing that gave me the chance to firm up the explanation for the
necesity of codes for
influence. That is the communication from a
source to a receiver which is not control, but rather can be
interpreted as a signal to which a response may be made by the
receiver. I think the explanation builds a bridge
between Barbieri's code biology and the Piercean semiotics (the rift
between is described elsewhere). I will update the code biology page on
this website to reflect the new insights. An update on
is also in order.
The paper is published
by BioSystems.
At long last, some might say, I am producing a work on code
biology (for a special issue of BioSystems, Edited by code biology
Barbieri ,
due to appear later this year. My topic is "how codes enable the
autonomy of organisms". I use my theory of causation (see 2022 entry
below) to show that organisms need at least a way to remove the
compulsion of physical forces from exogenous causation and also a way
to preserve formal information to be used as a source for internal
causation. The former is achieved through coding transducers; the
latter through molecular codes. The deadline for submitting it is the
end of this month, so it is nearly done.
I am also in the early stages of writing a classical theory of value
based on information, hopefully with a well respected theoretical
economist. That will probably progress in the Autumn.
So far it has been rather hectic, so I am sorry I have not been
updating and building the website for a while. However, I did find a
new application for the ideas being developed here. It is in the
explanation for pain - felt by all but a few (imparied in this faculty)
humans; all mammals and birds (we are sure), probably all vertebrates
and many invertebrates too (octopus and some crustacea by UK law), but
probably most arthropods and at least some moluscs, including, of
course the cephalopods. Feeling pain is far more than nociseption - the
signal that informs the body of potential, or actual, damage. Feeling
is definatively only for sentient creatures, so the question of which
species can feel pain has largely revolved around sentience. Working
with Bob Elwood, I took a different line, asking what organism
information processes require pain in order to work. I identified those
which make action-selection decisions based on internal appraisal of
the anticipated outcomes of possible actions. There is mounting
evidence that many insects and a host of other animals can do that. The
distinction between needing pain and not, is the same as the
distinction between anticipatory appraisal vs. just running a
behavioural algorithm. The work is published in Animal Cognition,
with a free preprint on ResearchGate. I introduced the topic in a Blog
entry (see and I give a link to an
accompanying lecture there.
Work on causation, especially its physical basis - the interaction
between fundamental physical forces and formal information constraint
(see the
Basis of Causation) has led to a new integrative and unifying
theory of cause, published as "
an information perspective helps overcome the challenge of biology to
(the link goes to the open access version at Science Direct, if that
does not work, you can try the doi I describe the ideas
in more accessible language on the blog as well.
A little interaction with Marcello Barbieri has motivated me to get the
code biology page into shape: more
on that
expected shortly.
Oh dear! I see I neglected to update this page in 2021, so here is a
brief summary of developments duing that year.
I struggled to keep up to date with the Sars-CoV-2 page with
information about the virus, Covid-19 and all that and removed it
towards the end of the year. It can, however, still be found at or using the automatically generated
site-map at .
The main development of the webiste in 2021 was the introduction of our
blog which began in March 2021 as a
replacement for the Forum. It is intended not only to present
highlights of the subject area, but to encourage participation and
engagement - so do feel free to comment on the blog posts. Of course
one of its functions also rather overlaps this news page, which is
perhaps why I forgot to update here.
2021 saw the publication of "An organisational systems-biology view of
viruses explains why they are not alive" and a flourishing of
inspiration from Prof. Jannie Hofmeyr.
Several pages of the site were improved, most notably the introduction
of the page describing the
Basis of Causation.
A bit of time over Christmas has enabled me to make a start on
the '
Code Biology'
pages. Some readers may think this is long overdue. The role of codes
for information control and its potential consequences will be
explored here over the coming year.
2020 has not seen much development here: events have intervened. But
after a long Coronavirus dominated year, in which there was very little
time for any research, let alone updating this website, we finish with
a little success. "An organisational systems-biology view of viruses
explains why they are not alive" has been accepted for BioSystems - the
journal it was originally intended for (
and I will put a preprint copy in this website's library very soon. The
work is a rare, if not the first, practical usage of Rosen's
(M,R)-system and more general concepts of closure to efficient
causation, autopoiesis and causation with information constraint. The
application, of course, is to show without further doubt that viruses
are not alive in any meaningful sense.
The Graphical Abstract of the BioSystems paper is iteself
inspired by J. H. S. Hofmeyr's (2007) diagram of the cell.
We have just published
The Science of COVID-19 .
This page has just
started, but we are rapidly adding to it.
Since the beginning of this year, progress has continued on updating
and improving the pages of this website and the introduction of some
new pages such as
Overall, Keith has been building up the site's coverage of Rosen's
(M,R)-system theory and related topics, autocatalysis and causation. At
some point this year, the emphasis will change focus onto molecular
systems, but not yet. Meanwhile, A small team (names to be announced
soon) has been developing a grant application for the Human Frontiers
Science Programme to examine the question of what an ecological
community really is, by using information theory metrics. Specifically,
we mean - to what extent does it entail circular causation and thereby
cybernetically match the requirements for an (M,R)-system and thereby
be alive (noting that it has no boundary, so cannot be autopoietic in
the normal sense). Speaking of which, many wonder what is and is not
alive, in particular at this point in human history - are viruses
alive? A short topical page on Covid-19 (corona virus) is our response
to the current global crisis.
The website makes continued (but slow) progress - Keith
has been concentrating on pages that get the most 'hits', for example
the one on
He has also joined Pedro Márquez-Zacarías in writing a paper for the
on the causal structure of organisms (the deadline is end of this
year). That paper will highlight and build upon some of the tremendous
insights of Robert Rosen (a true genius). Soon, we hope to attend to
the rather neglected pages on the molecular biology theme, which are
long overdue for it.
More website improvements, including the page on
featuring Rosen's (M,R)-systems, thanks to Pedro Márquez-Zacarías for
encouraging me to include that here. The
page has been improved a lot too.
More website updates (especially in
synthesis and new pages:
cell as
an engine and
information bootstrap.
Keith is to attend the Mathematical Biosciences Institute (MBI) Summit
on "
Rules of Life"
in Columbia Ohio on 23-28 June 2019. He will be presenting work on
Autonomy and taking part in scientific discussions about the
fundamental rules governing life.
Working on a major update of the website over
Christmas holidays - new pages being added and some old ones revised.
How Organisms Gained Causal Independence and how it might be quantified
has been published by the journal Biology (
this link
takes you to the free publication page).
This work puts 'biological flesh' on the cybernetics 'skeleton' by
explaining the evolutionary development of increasingly autonomous
information processing systems used by organisms (from basic
homeostasis all the way through to being able to anticipate and
evaluate the consequences of potential actions). As such it synthesises
a significant development in the understanding of information
processing by biological systems.
Can a
robot have free will?
is published (click the title for a copy of it
that is open access from
the journal Entropy - it is better to download the PDF since their
online copy does not render quite right on some systems).
This work elaborates the idea of downward causation by information
control. It shows several things: 1) that for free will, a thing must
be autonomous (and this is formally defined by transitive closure of
the causal network, which gives formal meaning to the 'Kantian whole'
idea of Kauffman, behind autopoiesis). 2) That an internal model is
needed to generate hypothetical actions, evaluate them and select from
among them according to an internally generated goal. 3) That free will
is not a binary (all or nothing) attribute, it comes in levels which
reflect the computational structure available for decision making.
Ultimately, as evolved organisms, even humans have a limit to their
self-generation of motive, in that all of us are ultimately directed by
naturally selected motives. For all organisms, the highest level of
decision making is natural selection.
The paper unifying concepts of function in biology
has been published
Oikos. If you cannot download it
from there,
here is a preprint.
Keith has made IFB a 'project' on researchgate, which you can see
Our latest paper is "Can a robot have Free Will" : a pre-print
of it can be found
In the paper, information theory and concepts such as downward
causation, function and hierarchical autopoiesis are brought together
to analyse the general question of free will.
The book:
From Matter to Life:
Information and Causality
is now available from book sellers. Chapter 13: Living through downward
causation: from molecules to ecosystems by Keith D. Farnsworth, George
F. R. Ellis and Luc Jaeger, is an extended explanation of our ideas on
downward causation as they apply to living systems.
Our latest statement on
Unifying concepts of biological function from molecules to ecosystems.
by Keith Farnworth, Larissa Albantakis and Tancredi Caruso, has
been uploaded onto the bioRxiv (archive prior to publication, intended
for the journal Oikos).
Technical changes on this website have meant that the .net blog site is
not currently available - this will be sorted out as soon as possible.
This month moves away from
University Belfast to a commercial server. I made some minor
changes to pages in preparation for that. More interestingly, we are
planning for a new Theme on 'mind and action' to incorporate enquiry
into the apparent freedom of organisms to act as they will and
ultimately to investigate what information processing can tell us about
consciousness and free-will.
We also congratulate Dr Larissa Albantakis on her winning a Templeton
Foundation Fellowship to work on information and consciousness.
A major update has substantially
improved the
synthesis page.
We have started the development of a WordPress site at
There is a new page on
Autopoisis which highlights work by
Pier Luisi and
a new page on the
paradox (part of the theme on the origin of life).
We welcome information and network theorist and neurologist Dr Larissa
Albantakis to the network (see the Who page).
A bit of time off for Christmas
holidays has allowed for an update on
several pages of this website and new material too. Notably a new page
on the
language of information terms,
which sets out an
structure for terms and builds a new draft for terminology in this
area. Final preparations are also underway for the Cambridge University
Press book (see August entry), which brings a new collaboration with
the information philosopher Chris Timpson.
One important update to the site content is that the word
'epiphenomenon' has been replaced with '
transcendent complex' - this
following creative discussion with the cosmologist and philosoper
George Ellis (again see the August entry). I have also added to the
The German Centre for
Integrative Biodiversity Research
(iDiv) in
Leipzig, Germany (of course!) hosted a group of us as a workshop titled
Functional Information: its potential
for quantifying
biodiversity and
its relation to ecosystem functioning". We worked very hard
week! Here is the list of those present:
Dr Keith Farnsworth (coordinator) - UK
Prof Ivo Gross (vice-coordinator, bioinformatics expert, leader and
local representative) - Germany
Dr Larissa Albantakis (network theorist and inspiring thinker) - USA /
Prof Arto Annila (provided a deep thermodynamic- based
theoretical foundation) - Finland
Dr David Ardell (introduced great new insights from molecular biology)
Dr Keith Baverstock (contributed mind-expanding biological theory)
-Finland / UK
Dr Christina Cobbold (mathemtician and biodiversty metric pioneer) - UK
Dr Lars Gamfeldt (crucial ecologist and biodiversity expert) - Sweden
Dr Olga Lyashevska (biodiversity metrics and big data expert -right
down to the C-scripts!) - Netherlands / Ukraine
Dr Hyunju Kim (network theorist and mathematical support for all of us)
Dr Thomas Schneider (pioneer of Shannon's information theory in
biology) - USA
Dr Axel Rossberg (theoretical community ecologist and inspiring
thinker) - UK / Germany.
The book : "From
Matter to Life: Information and
Causality" to be
published by Cambridge University Press has been compiled and edited.
The book is edited by Paul Davies, Sara Walker and George Ellis. Keith
Farnsworth wrote the chapter "Living through downward causation:
from molecules to ecosystems" with George Ellis and Luc Jaeger, and
co-wrote with the Oxford philosopher Christopher Timpson, a chapter on
definitions of information. It should be out next year.
Biodiversity: The
German Centre for Integrative
Biodiversity Research
(iDiv) has granted us full funding for a workshop to be held in Leipzig
in September this year. More details can be found on the Biodiversity
Theme pages.
We have added our first 'tutorial' paper: How much Information does DNA
instantiate? (it is in the 'Molecular' theme).
Following the Arizona workshop, Keith Farnsworth is working with George
Ellis and others to write two chapters for a book ( "Information
and Causality: From Matter to Life") to be published by Cambridge
University Press.
Keith Farnsworth attended the Arizona State University Beyond Center
workshop on
Information, Causality & the Origin
of Life
This workshop was attended by
leading thinkers in our subject area,
including Sarah Walker (see our Origins Page). Topics discussed
included: definitions of information; top-down causation, the
biochemistry of proto-life and synthetic life; the thermodynamics of
the origin of life; emergence and complexity. A book is planned, to be
edited by Paul Davies (the organiser), Sarah Walker and George Ellis
(cosmologist and leader in downward causation thinking).
New webpage on molecular
self-assembly and the role of
physical forces in constructing the hierarchy of complexity leading to
life. A few more library entries too.
Various paged get text
updates and small errors corrected.
Network Coordinator Dr Keith
Farnsworth Invited to Arizona State
University Beyond Centre workshop on the "Physics of Living Matter
Information, Causality and the Origin of Life".
officially launched!
Website put online for testing.
Website created: building starts offline.
Throughout 2013, the network of scientists who will take part in the
project is gradually built up.
Publication of Foundation Paper
in Acta