
Similar or Relevant Projects and Institutions

Beyond Center, Arizona State University:  Addressing the "really big questions" with Paul Davies.

Pille Bunnell's Sympoetic net: a bit like this website, but dealing mainly with Maturana and aspects of autopoeisis.

Complexity Digest: for those working in complexity

The Code Biology Society: a group of scientists developing the idea of codes in biology

The Information Philosopher: a Wiki format resource.

Santa Fe Institute: academic grouping for complexity resarch

Principia Cybernetica (well worth reading, good archive, sadly now moribund)

Exploring Life's Origins - great graphical explanations of pre-biotic & RNA world theories

"A View of the Universe" - lots of material to get lost in

PhilPapers - an enormous resource of publications in philosophy

Evolution of Computing - taking the biological analogy

Cosmic Ancestry - idiosyncratic in purpose, but full of useful science relevant to this website

Calresco Project (A-Life, Complexity, Evolution, and all sorts: rather "New Age" in parts)

Hmolpedia (a large resource for radical cybernetic and thermodynamic interpretations of humanity)

Cybernetics and Systems Theory by Alan B. Scrivener

New York University Library: Evolution, Complexity and Entropy (not updated for a long while)

NASA Astrobiology Institute

Integrated Information Theory: the website collecting Developments and software for IIT.

Project Anticipation All about Anticiparory Systems (run by Roberto Poli)

German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDIV)

News Blogs and Similar

Complexities - Carlos Gershenson's blog

Molecular Information Theory (Tom Shneider's website)

Astrobiology Magazine

Niche Construction Theory Blog - ecological self assembly and all that

Intropy - David Chapman's blog on Information-based thinking "about everything"

World Wide Wanderings - the (personal) website and blog of Wim Hordijk (of the autocatalytic sets)

This View of Life - online (serious) science magazine with evolutionary biology as its theme

United Academics - online science magazine devoted to open source publishing

Please report broken links to Dr Keith Farnsworth at Queen's University Belfast