Dr Keith D.
in Theoretical Biology
School of Biological Sciences,
Queen's University Beflast
MBC 97 Lisburn Road,
Belfast BT97BL,
United Kingdom.
Email: k.farnsworth (at) qub.ac.uk
BSc. (Hons) Astrophysics, University of London 1984
MSc. Acoustics, Southampton, 1985;
PhD. Mathematical Biology, Edinburgh 1994
MSc. Public Health Epidemiology, Aberdeen 2002
Here is
a list of highlighted Publications
the full set is available on
Google Scholar
Please take a look at my
Research Team page.
About me:
Presently, I am a theoretical biologist working in Queen’s University
Belfast and, counter to the current fashion for applied research led by
anxious funding agencies, I am trying to develop as deep as possible an
understanding of what life is and how it works (in a material universe)
[1]. Over the past 20 years, though, I have been active in marine
biology, helping create the size-spectrum approach to fisheries
ecology, with applications in sustainable fisheries management and the
'ecosystem based approach' to the same, culminating in contributions to
the 'Real-time incentive' scheme of fisheries regulation and
co-management plans for artisan fisheries in Egypt. Before that I
worked on the behavioural ecology of large mammalian grazers, showing
how they can coexist in the wild, matching their distribution to the
resources available using multi-scale biased diffusion and before that
I worked on optimality theory for branched systems such as trees and
even before that, I was briefly involved in medical physics, helping to
develop the MRI scanner and some aspects of doppler ultrasound
scanners. Somewhere in the middle of all that, I got interested in
medical epidemiology and public health medicine - it remains a sort of
A lot of my previous work was more or less motivated by employers and
funding agencies. Now, as I say, I am using my time to concentrate on
what I am personally motivated by because it is where I think I can
make the most profound contribtion. These deeper theoretical enquiries
led from information theory and cybernetics, to causation and what has
been termed ‘the organisational approach to biological systems’. On the
way, I have proposed a modernisation of Aristotle’s four aspects of
cause, especially identifying formal cause with information embodied in
the pattern of matter and interpreting efficient cause as the
empowerment of formal cause with physical force [2]. So far that is
proving very useful in constructing explanations for biological
phenomena of fundamental interest [3, 4, 5]. The organisational
approach helps us understand why organisms are special in the sense of
causation and agency [3, 7] and is certainly open to philosophical
approaches. The central idea is that of closure to efficient causation:
unique to organisms and without which, agency cannot be attributed.
Life remains a great mystery and I see it as the most fascinating and
marvellous thing in the universe. A lot of the pioneering work (e.g. by
Rosen, Varela and Maturana, Kauffman, Pattee and many others) has
necessarily been quite abstract, but recently people like Jannie
Hofmeyr and Marcello Barbieri have built much more biochemical realism
into our explanations. At the moment my contribution seems to be to
develop a link between this and the physics and information theory that
describes its material underpinning. It's an exciting ride - for those
that like that sort of thing.
[1] Farnsworth, K.D., Nelson, J., Gershenson, C., 2013. Living is
information processing: From molecules to global systems. Acta
Biotheor. 61, 203–222. doi:10.1007/s10441- 013-9179-3.
[2] Farnsworth, K.D., 2022. How an information perspective helps
overcome the challenge of biology to physics. BioSystems 217, 104683.
doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j. biosystems.2022.104683.
[3] Farnsworth, K.D., 2018. How organisms gained causal independence
and how it might be quantified. Biology 7, 38.
[4] Farnsworth, K.D. and Elwood, R.W. 2023. Why it hurts: with freedom
comes the biological need for pain. Animal Cognition, 1-17.
[5] Farnsworth, K.D., Albantakis, L., Caruso, T., 2017. Unifying
concepts of biological function from molecules to ecosystems. Oikos
126, 1367–1376. doi:10.1111/oik.04171.
[6] Farnsworth, K.D., 2021. An organisational systems-biology view of
viruses explains why they are not alive. BioSystems 200, 104324.
[7] Farnsworth, K.D., 2017. Can a robot have free will? Entropy 19, 237. doi:10.3390/ e19050237.
More on my research activity
What is Life?
My quest in biological information and function started with
thoughts about biodiversity. I wondered what biodiversity really is. I
needed to know so that I could find a fundamental way to quantify it
and also to value it. I realised ‘diversity’ meant degree of difference
and quickly worked out that this was equivalent to information. So
started an effort to quantify biodiversity in units of information, but
it was obvious that not all the differences, e.g. among leaf shapes or
the markings on a shark, matter. A lot of this detail was just random.
What was needed was some quantifiable measure of functional information
- that which caused a difference that mattered. To understand that, I
needed to know what information did and meant to living organisms. The
result was to realise that living is fundamentally a process of
information processing, i.e. computing. But if living organisms are
computing, what is it that they are working out? The answer came from
Maturana and Varela’s theory of autopoiesis: life is computing itself.
That is a completely auto-reflexive cybernetic process and attempts to
understand it led me to the theories of Robert Rosen and Stuart
Kauffman. They captured the ideas of closure to efficient causation,
autocatalytic sets and thermodynamic work cycles, but remained rather
abstract. This was resolved by Jannie Hofmeyr's work and deeper
understanding of formal, efficient and final cause, as well as the
putting the biochemical reality back in the picture.
Realising that information constrained randomness by specifying the
particular from among a set of possibilities, I understood that life
computing itself meant that it was constantly constraining the set of
possible chemical reactions that take part within organisms to only
that small subset that collectively and continuously re-make the
organism. The key value of information is the constraint it provides,
selecting what is functional from all that is not (and we needed a
precise definition of biological function to realise that).
Previous work: Sustainable Fisheries Management
My most recent previous work involved the application of
ecological theory to practical problems of current real-life
importance. A lot of it now concerns fisheries science - vital work if
we are to save the world's fisheries from the global collapse for which
many believe they are heading. A major part of this work is pursued
through European Union and Irish Government funding, previously : An
Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management, but also includes an
Irish Science Foundation project and two European Union FP7
consortium projects. In general, my team and I are using a variety of
theoretical approaches to find real-world solutions to some of the
major ecological problems that we face. This work is also being used to
create new theories of organism distribution, predator-prey dynamics,
life history, and evolution.
Applications to Global Food Security
Building an 'appropriate technology' management system for
artisan fisheries of the Egyptian Red Sea is the work of an Egyptian
PhD student that I am currently supervising. It is interesting that
this contributes towards something that the ancient Egyptians of tomb
paintings, papyrus scrolls and pyramids would be quite at home with.
Being pioneers of administration and quantification, I am sure they
would approve of the `data limited stock assessment' methods being
deployed and the participatory management processes (they were
certainly not the autocratic tyrants we used to be misled into
thinking). It seems the fishery is overexploited and declining, so
proper management is urgently needed for this ancient way of life to
More broadly, of course, we need to understand marine ecosystems a lot better to avoid over-exploiting them.
My work, in collaboration with the Irish Marine Institute, Danish
Technical University and others, contributed to this by reinterpreting
predator-prey and competition dynamics in far more realistic terms than
previous models allowed. This is needed to provide a scientific
underpinning to the reform of fisheries management: one that takes
proper account of the complex dynamics of real marine food-webs. For
example, we developed new ways to characterise and monitor the 'health'
of fish communities in terms of population size and structure. This has
led to an explanation of how life-history of fish can be changed by
selective fishery. Using size-structured community models we examined
the quality of ecological indicators for use in fisheries management
and investigated the interaction between industrial and 'forage'
fisheries. his work was extended to address the highly topical problem
of designing and assessing spatial management such as 'closed areas'
and other new conservation measures in commercial fisheries and also to
objectively assess the interactions between large marine predators such
as seals and capture fisheries.
In a major collaboration, funded by Science Foundation Ireland,
my team helped to devise an alternative to the stock quota system of
the Common Fisheries Policy. This alternative is the Real Time
Fisheries system, developed by Dave Reid (Marine Institute, Ireland)
and Sarah Kraak (Thünen Intitut, Germany), who very sadly died of
COVID-19 in 2021. RTI is a high spatial and temporal resolution
quasi-economic incentive method which supplies real-time fine-grid
tarrif maps to operating vessels, using a lot of technology, data and
sophisticated modelling.
Early endeavours
Previous work under the
Beaufort Award Scheme developed realistic mathematical models of fish
communities undergoing fishery exploitation and used to calculate
recovery times, sustainable yields, interactions among fishery types
and interactions with other marine organisms, as well as developing an
understanding of stakeholder interests and their interactions (see list
of publications for more detail).
Before fisheries, I developed a theoretical understanding of how large
mammalian grazing animals managed to co-exist in the wild and how the
effectively distributed themselves to optimise their food resources.
Even before that I worked out the optimal growth algorithm for the
shape of botanical trees, did a bit of mathematical epidemiology and
diagnostic radiology physics (for the Institute of Cancer Research).